Safety Razor Thor´s Hammer


From Sweyn Forkbeard London

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Estimated Delivery Date 11 Sep - 16 Sep

Cost to Deliver £4.99

Product Information

Sweyn Forkbeard Safety Razor Thor's Hammer is the razor Viking Gods would've used.

Weighing 120 grams this razor will itself provide you with the exact pressure needed for a close and clean shave. Safety Razor Thor's Hammer has a well balanced 85-millimetre handle. It makes this razor very easy to manoeuvre. Shaving with a safety razor you only have one blade against your skin at a time. It reduces skin irritation, bumps, and ingrown hairs that are common with cartridge or electric razors. Safety razors are as safe to use as disposable razors because the actual blade sits between two protective plates.
Sweyn Forkbeard Safety Razor Thor's Hammer will not rust. We make it from black powder coated stainless steel. Its all-metal construction will provide you with many years of service. The coating we use is also very durable. It is hard to chip and will not fade. Safety Razor Thor's Hammer comes in an exquisite black gif box. We also have leather travelling pouches available on our web shop.
Sweyn Forkbeard Safety Razor Thor's Hammer is a weapon for real Vikings.


Sweyn Forkbeard Safety Razor Thor's Hammer has a reliable three-piece design for an easy blade replacement. Our Safety Razor Thor's Hammer takes replaceable double edge blades. The blades for this razor are standard and has been available internationally for almost one hundred years now.
We have professional blades available on our web shop.

With Sweyn Forkbeard Safety Razor Thor's Hammer you will experience a shave as clean as the one done with a straight razor with reduced risk of cutting yourself.
Our safety razor is easy to use. Simply unscrew the whole handle, put the blade between the two parts of the razor head and screw the handle back on. Stretch your skin and shave with the grain keeping the razor at about a 30-degree angle. We have multiple detailed safety razor video tutorials available on our Facebook, Instagram and YouTube profiles.
For the best shaving experience take a look at our 100% organic shaving creams, shaving soaps, shaving oil and aftershaves.



Other Information

Sweyn Forkbeard Safety Razor Thor's Hammer is handmade in London, UK. We are an environmentally conscious brand using only ethically sourced highest quality materials and parts. Safety razors are particularly eco-friendly. The use of them notably reduces plastic waste.

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